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Create and Edit An Onboarding Plan - Automatically Assign Courses to New Users

How to make sure all your new employees get the same set of courses to start out

On CyberPilot's platform, you have the ability to automatically assign courses to all of your users, including users you haven't created yet. We recommend you use this function to administer an onboarding package of courses for new users to complete. This way you can ensure that all new employees receive the same courses. 

We recommend you use these four courses in your onboarding:

  1. Awareness Intro
  2. Personal Data
  3. Phishing
  4. Passwords. 

For more information, see our recommended course plan.



Follow the steps below and the video to  set up your onboarding plan.

  1. Login and go to the admin view
  2. Go to "Awareness"
  3. Go to "Schedule"
  4. Click "Enroll"
  5. Select the course(s) you want to make part of the onboarding plan
  6. Indicate whether you want to enroll the entire account, users, or branches to the course
    1. Select the specific users or branches to enroll (or check the top box to select all)
  7. Select the enroll date
  8. Slide the toggle so that "Turn on auto enrollment for newly registered users" is activated
  9. Click "Enroll"

Now, these courses will be automatically assigned to new users in your organisation when they are created. The course will also be enrolled to your active users on the date you selected in step 7. 


Make changes to your onboarding plan

If you want to make changes to your onboarding plan, you can easily change which courses are auto-enrolled to your new users on the "Schedule" page. Here's how to do that:

  1. Under "Awareness" click on "Schedule"
  2. Filter for "Upcoming dates" to see courses that are scheduled to go out in the future. Filter for "Past dates" to see courses that have already been sent out

    schedule filter

  3. The column called "Assign to New Users" tells you whether the course is part of your onboarding plan
    1. "Manual" means it is not currently part of your onboarding plan - you must manually enroll the course to new users
    2. "Auto" means it is currently part of your onboarding plan - the course is automatically enrolled to new users

    assign to new users

  4. Change new user enrollment to either manual or auto (depending on the current selection). 
    1. Click on the "..." under "Actions for the course you want to make changes to
    2. Click on "Set enroll to auto" (if it is currently set to "Manual") or click on "Set enroll to manual" (if it is currently set to "Auto")

    change auto enroll

  5. Confirm your selection 


You have now changed how the course will be enrolled to new users in the future. 


Got a question?

Contact us at support@cyberpilot.io