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  3. Using the CyberPilot App for Awareness Training

Enrollments, Unenrollments, and Scheduling Courses

How to enroll, unenroll, and schedule courses

On this page, we will take you through how to enroll or unenroll your users from courses. When enrolling courses, you can select the date of enrollment, which means you can schedule courses to be enrolled in the future.

Before we get started, it's important to know that you can only bulk-enroll users to many courses if you want the users/branches to get the same courses and on the same day.


The following must be done in separate enrollment actions

  1. Enroll different groups of employees to different courses

  2. Enroll many courses to employees, but schedule them for different dates


We recommend enrolling no more than 2 courses to employees on the same date. See our recommended course plan for more details.


See the videos and guides below.


Enroll and Unenroll User(s) to One Course

  1. Login and go to the admin view
  2. Go to "Awareness"
  3. Go to "Schedule"
  4. Click "Enroll"
  5. Select the course you want to enroll
  6. Indicate whether you want to enroll the course to users or branches
  7. Select the specific users or branches to enroll (or check the top box to select all).
  8. Select the enroll date
  9. Ensure that the toggle for "Turn on auto enrollment for newly registered users" is OFF.
    1. This toggle is used to automatically enroll users to a set of courses, and we recommend using it to create onboarding plans for your employees. Read this article for more information on how to use the auto enrollment toggle.
  10. Click "Enroll"


The course will now be enrolled to the users/branches on the selected date.


Enroll and Unenroll User(s) to Many Courses

You can only enroll many courses at the same time if you want the users/branches to get the same courses and on the same day.

  1. Login and go to the admin view

  2. Go to "Awareness"

  3. Go to "Schedule"

  4. Click "Enroll"

  5. Select the courses you want to enroll

  6. Indicate whether you want to enroll the course to users or branches

  7. Select the specific users or branches to enroll (or check the top box to select all).

    1. With more than one course selected, the users/branches will all get the all the selected courses.

  8. Select the enroll date

  9. The enroll date will be the same for all the courses and users/branches selected. We recommend enrolling no more than two courses at once outside of the onboarding plan. See our recommended course plan for more details.

  10. Ensure that the toggle for "Turn on auto enrollment for newly registered users" is OFF.

    1. This toggle is used to automatically enroll users to a set of courses, and we recommend using it to create onboarding plans for your employees. Read this article for more information on how to use the auto enrollment toggle.

  11. Click "Enroll"


The course will now be enrolled to the users/branches on the selected date.

Got a question?

Contact us at support@cyberpilot.io