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  2. New Platform (CyberPilot App)
  3. Using the CyberPilot App for Awareness Training

Course Catalogue - The Courses Available to You

Get an overview of the courses available to your organisation and preview them before enrolling

You can get a quick overview of all the courses available to your organisation by clicking on "Awareness" and then "Courses."

course overview-1

Then, you can scroll through the list to see all the courses available. 

See your course enrollment settings

The "Enroll Type" column allows you to quickly see how you've set the courses to enroll. The column can say "Manual" or "Auto." Here's what each of those mean:

  • "Manual" means you manually enroll your organisation/users/branches to the course when you want it to be sent out
  • "Auto" means you have set the course to automatically be enrolled to all new users in your organisation. This means it's part of your onboarding plan. You can read more about how to use the auto-enrollment feature here.

New courses every other month

CyberPilot publishes a new course every other month. You'll see the new courses on this page when they are ready for you. As an admin, you'll also get an email letting you now the course is available. 

See more about a course before sending it out

You might want to read about a course, or take it yourself, before sending it out to all of your users. You can do this as an admin by clicking into a specific course from the "Courses" page. 

course info

Look at the details for a specific course

  1. Click on the course you want to see details about. The menu at the top will show different pages for the course.
  2. Under "Details" you can see a short description of the course content. Scroll down to "Course Languages" to see the list of languages the course is available in
  3. Under "Preview Course" you can take the course to preview how it will look to your users.

Ready to enroll the course?

Read our article here to see everything you need to know about sending courses out to your users. 


Got a question?

Contact us at support@cyberpilot.io