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  3. Using the CyberPilot App for Phishing Training

How to Use the Four Free Awareness Training Courses

See how to get the most of the four free awareness training courses we have made available to you.

What is awareness training?

CyberPilot's awareness training consists of short, 5-7 minute, courses on relevant topics within IT security and GDPR. 

Why is awareness training relevant? 

We believe in taking a holistic approach to security training.

With phishing simulations, your organization can practice its phishing defense and increase resilience. Awareness training is a great compliment to phishing training, and it covers much more than just phishing. The courses help you create awareness, develop a basic understanding of security risks, and build good digital habits that keep your organization secure.

Using awareness training and phishing training together makes your organization aware of a variety of security risks, refreshes knowledge, and allows you to put your skills to the test.

See the courses available to your organization

Before you decide if you want to use the awareness training courses, you might be interested to see what they look like. 

That's what I'll show you how to do here. 

First, see the list of courses you have access to

  1. Login to the CyberPilot App and go to your admin view
  2. Under the "Trainings" section, click on "Awareness"
  3. "Click on "Courses" 
    1. Now you will see the courses available to you. For example, you will see the following courses: AI Tools, Personal Data, Phishing, and Passwords. 

view courses

Look at the details for a specific course

  1. Click on the course you want to see details about. The menu at the top will show different pages for the course.
  2. Under "Details" you can see a short description of the course content. Scroll down to "Course Languages" to see the list of languages the course is available in
  3. Under "Preview Course" you can take the course to preview how it will look to your users.

course info

Enroll courses to your users

You can enroll courses to your users in two ways:

  • On the course page for that specific course
  • On the scheduling page (here you can enroll more than one course at the same time)

We'll go through them both next.

Enroll a single course from the course page

  1. From the "Awareness" menu, select "Courses" and the click on the course you want to enroll to your users
  2. Click on the "Enroll" button in the top right corner
    1. You will now see the option to enroll the course to the entire organization, branches, or users
      Enroll from course page-1
  3. Select who you want to enroll the course to
  4. Select the enroll date
  5. Enable/Disable the toggle called "Turn on auto enrollment for newly registered users" (Read more about the toggle here)
    1. If the toggle is enabled, all new users you add after the course is enrolled will automatically be enrolled to the course as well. The toggle is a way to create an onboarding package of courses all employees take. 
    2. If the toggle is disabled, the course will only be sent to the existing users in your account.
  6. Click "Enroll"

enroll course

Enroll one or more courses from the schedule page

  1. From the "Awareness" menu, select "Schedule"
  2. Click the "Enroll" button in the top right corner
  3. Select the courses you want to enroll
  4. Indicate whether you want the courses to be enrolled to the entire account, branches, or users
  5. Select the enroll date
  6. Enable/Disable the toggle called "Turn on auto enrollment for newly registered users" (Read more about the toggle here)
    1. If the toggle is enabled, all new users you add after the course is enrolled will automatically be enrolled to the course as well. The toggle is a way to create an onboarding package of courses all employees take. 
    2. If the toggle is disabled, the course will only be sent to the existing users in your account.
  7. Click "Enroll" 

schedule enroll

Note that if you enroll more than one course at a time, your enrollment selection will apply for all courses. The enroll date will be the same for all the courses and users/branches selected.

We recommend enrolling no more than two courses at once outside of the onboarding plan.

What happens after you enroll a course to your users?

Your users will be notified

When you enroll a course, your users will get an email from CyberPilot welcoming them to the CyberPilot platform with login instructions. They will be notified that they have a new course to complete on the platform. 


Your users can login to the platform

Any users that have the "Admin" role will have access to the phishing campaign performance data. 

  • You can check who has an admin role by going to "Users" and adding a filter for "Role" then selecting "Admin"
  • You can change a user's role by clicking on the specific user and switching the selection under "Role." Read more about user management here. 

Any users that have the "User" role will only see the courses that have been assigned to them. They will not be able to see any phishing campaigns or data.

  • You can see what they would see by clicking on the top right corner of the platform where your initial is, and clicking "Go to User"

Here's an example of what a user would see when they login to the platform:

User view

Your users will receive a reminder email every seven days until the course(s) are complete

It is important to note that your users will automatically receive a reminder email every seven days if they have incomplete courses. We cannot currently turn off these emails.


View and edit your course schedule

  1. From the "Awareness" menu, select "Schedule"
  2. Adjust the filter so you are seeing either upcoming dates or past dates. Now you will see the courses enrolled or scheduled to be enrolled and who they will be enrolled to (e.g., account, users, or branches)
  3. You can edit the course schedule by clicking on the "..." under "Actions" associated with the course. This will display the following options:
    1. Set the enrollment to auto or manual (this changes the setting you previously applied on the auto-enroll to new users toggle)
    2. Change enroll date
    3. Unenroll
      1. Note: You can only unenroll or change enrollment dates on courses where the enrollment date is after today

Easily track the training completions

You can look at the awareness training completions as a combined report with phishing simulation data, or on its own.

  • The "Summary" report shows awareness training and phishing training data together for each user. 
  • The "Awareness" report shows just awareness training data

To use the "Summary" report

  1. Under "Trainings" go to "Reports" and click on "Summary"
  2. Here, you will see a list of all your users and the following data:
    1. Branch
    2. Department
    3. Enrolled Courses
    4. Incomplete Courses
    5. Active Phishing Campaigns
    6. Emails Sent
    7. Emails Opened
    8. Clicked Link
    9. Submitted Data
    10. Last Action
  3. You can add filters to group users by, e.g., department, and search for users
  4. You can export the filtered or unfiltered data by clicking the "Export" button in the top right corner.

summary report-1

To use the "Awareness" report

  1. Under "Trainings" go to "Reports" and click on "Awareness"
  2. Here, you will see a list of all your users and the following data:
    1. Enrolled Courses (name of course)
    2. Enroll Date
    3. Completion Date
    4. Status
    5. Score (the score the user achieved on the quiz portion of the course)
  3. You can add filters to group users by, e.g., department, and search for users
  4. You can export the filtered or unfiltered data by clicking the "Export" button in the top right corner.

awt report

Got a question?

Contact us at support@cyberpilot.io