Watch the video from our course, where Thomas learns how he can avoid sharing sensitive personal data after a small incident.
You can access the entire course on our e-learning platform by logging in here. If you do not have an account, you can try it for free.
About the course
Sensitive personal data like a person's ethnicity, religion, or sexuality requires particularly careful handling. There needs to be a valid reason to register them and they need to be stored securely.
GDPR is very specific about which information is classified as sensitive. This course explains to employees what is sensitive personal data, and puts their ability to recognize them in practice to the test. We remind them to be aware when they meet this data, and to make sure they follow the correct procedure. We also raise awareness of situations, where it is best to leave out sensitive personal data that is not relevant to the task at hand.

Other material
Create awareness in your organisation with our posters. You can download the posters and hang them on your walls in your organisation.
In this way your employees willl be reminded of what to be aware of when they see the posters.
Go to posters