Hi, welcome

We help every kind of company achieve an even better cyber security culture

Sommerfest 2

Stand stronger in the fight
against cyber-attacks

Since 2016, we have helped all kinds of organisations strengthen their cyber security cultures.  

An improved cyber security culture is about making security the job of the entire organisation. The IT department is of course still important; however, they cannot do it alone. It is important that all employees are aware of cyber threats, and that personal data is something the whole organisation works with and takes care of.  

If the legislation changes, like it did with the GDPR in 2018, or if cyber criminals find new ways of attacking companies, you can always find help here at Cyberpilot. We can help you prepare your co-workers for any task or challenge they are facing.

Do you want to know more about what we have to offer and how we can help you? Then feel free to contact us

Send us an email
icons-aboutus-28 Why

8/10 security breaches happen because of human mistakes.
You can change this by making your employees your strongest defence against cyber-attacks and data breaches.

icons-aboutus-29 How

By making cyber security and personal data a part of your employees’ everyday work, you can make sure that fewer mistakes are made.

icons-aboutus-30 What

Through short courses and phishing emails, your employees will be trained in cyber security and data management, and therefore, they will become your best defence against cyber criminals.


We couldn’t have done it without you

We have helped more than 700 companies create better cyber security cultures through our awareness training. We combine expertise in learning design, IT security, and organisational change management to make training that actually works. 

The trust of our customers means everything to us. We have always prioritised being more than a software solution. Therefore, we value our partnerships with our customers, and we are always on standby if you need our help 

We try to share our knowledge through our blog and newsletters. Moreover, you can get our posters and guides for free. We hope that our site gives you some inspiration for how to strengthen the cybersecurity culture in your organisation.

Even if you're not on the hunt to make a purchase, our goal is to be a resource for you. To find out if our solution fits your organisation, we welcome you to try our courses for free. 



We care about your personal data!

To make sure we live up to our own standards, we have been audited ourselves.

Meet all the Pilots


Anders Winther Partner / Head of Sales
FNI-295x295 FNI-as-a-child
Fredrik Nielsen Partner / Head of Learning Design
RHV-295x295 RHV-as-a-child
Rasmus Vinge Partner / CEO


Arn Radiant bilde-BW Arn som børn-BW
Arn Heggedal Business Development Manager, Norway
+47 911 83 310
CNI_295x295 CNI_as_child_295x295
Claus Kelm-Nielsen Business Development Manager
+45 32 67 28 12
JKS_Adult_Large JKS_Kid_Large
Jan Kehlet Schou Business Development Manager
+45 89 87 77 35
Jesper Korsgaard Business Development Manager
+45 32 67 28 17
Jens-radiant-BW jens som børn-BW
Jens Syverstad Business Development Manager, Norway
+47 476 85 674
JLN_adult_large JLN_kid_large
Jonas Lyhne Nielsen Business Development Manager
+45 89 87 77 36
JD_295x295 JD_as_a_Child
Josefine Dalsgaard Business Analyst
Julian-radiant-BW Julian som børn-BW
Julian Thomassen Business Development Manager, Norway
+45 299 01 040
LKR-295x295 LKR as a child
Lene Kragelund Business Development Manager
+45 32 67 79 77
PHS_295X295 PHS_295x295-as-a-child
Patrick Hillebrandt Svangren Business Development Manager
+45 32 24 23 02
Troels Jakobsen Business Development Manager
+45 32 67 28 16

Customers & Partners

Astrid Møller Lauritsen Channel Manager
CER CER-as-a-child
Carl Emil Ramsing Senior Customer Success Manager
JKH JKH-child
Jonas Klærke Hejlskov Customer Success Manager
JCH_295x295 JVC_as_a_child
Julie Vinther Christensen Customer Success Manager
LHV-295x295 LHV-as-a-child
Lise Hangaard Customer Success Manager
LLY_295x295 LLY_as_a_child_295x295
Lise Lyngby Customer Success Manager
Malene Malene child
Malene Mouritzen Auken Customer Success Manager
MBN_Large MBN - baby-2
Mette Breindahl Nørremark Head of Customers & Partners
Peter Mikkelsen Peter Mikkelsen_child
Peter Mikkelsen Senior Customer Success Manager

Product & IT

BPO BPO-child
Benjamin Pomerleau Senior Product Owner
Ida Rose Rasmussen Junior Digital Learning Consultant
JD JDO_as_a_Child
Julie Dolleris Digital Learning Specialist
KES-295x295 KES-as-a-child
Kenneth Ejner Schläger Phishing Coordinator
SJH_adult_large SJH_kid_large
Sam de Jongh Hepworth Head of Product Management
SHO SHO-as-a-child
Sarah Hofmann Product & Policy Specialist
Theresa Rømer Andersen Junior Digital Learning Consultant
TSL-295x295 TSL-as-a-child
Tue Saltofte Lund Senior Digital Learning Specialist

People & Culture

Bertha_as_an_adult Bertha_as_a_baby
Bertha Good Dog
LHA_295x295 LHA_295x295-as-a-child
Line Hansen Head of People & Culture
SVA-295x295 SVA-as-a-child
Stine Vangsgaard Office Manager


ABT-295x295 ABT-as-a-child
Anders Bryde Thornild Head of Marketing
AAN-295x295-1 AAN-as-a-child
Arooj Anwar Junior Digital Marketer, UK
ISL ISL-as-a-child
Isabella Lüders Junior Graphic Designer
SEB_X295X295 SEB_as_a_child
Sebastian Witt Hammershøj Marketing Operations Assistant
SDJ-295x295 SDJ-as-a-child
Sigrid Dam Jeremiassen Brand Designer
SLJ-295x295 SLJ-as-a-child
Søren Lassen Jensen Junior Digital Marketer, Denmark
THT-295x295 THT-as-a-child
Throstur Thordarson Martech Operations Manager