Test your organisation’s preparedness against phishing

Don’t let your team fall victim to phishing attacks. Prepare them with our simulated phishing attacks so that they can learn to spot and report real attacks.

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Why is Phishing Training important?

  • Phishing is one of the biggest security risks for a company. Phishing attacks are a costly expense for many companies every year.
  • It is important that your team is aware and suspicious of e-mails and links. This ensures that they do not click links in phishing e-mails and they do not provide crucial information such as passwords, usernames, bank information, etc.
  • Once the cybercriminals have gained access, they can steal, manipulate, or extort your organisation.

Curious about what our phishing-mails look like?

We have found a few selected examples of great starting campaigns for your company, which can help test and strengthen the awareness in your team.

Take a closer look at the phishing-mails and see how they have performed .

Take me to the phishing-campaigns

8% of users submit data

Mail sendt 100 E-mails sent

Link klikket 26 Link clicked

Data indsendt 8 Submitted data

Follow the results live with our Security Platform

  • Emails
  • Live results
  • Insights

Simulated phishing e-mails sent to your inbox

We have a selection of different phishing e-mails with various levels of difficulty, themes, and cues of phishing, so there is something for everyone. We have expert knowledge of what works for e-mails and guide you in choosing what works best for your organisation.

Follow the results in real-time with our Security Platform

As soon as the selected e-mail is sent out, you can follow the results in real-time from our platform, where you can quickly and easily get an overview of how many people have opened, clicked, and submitted data.

See a timeline of the individuals' behaviour

You can also dive into the user group and find a timeline for the team’s behaviour. It could be useful to see how long it took from the opening the e-mail, to clicking the link, and to when the data was submitted.
You will be able to see how ready your team is for this type of attack and how fast they are at reporting it.

Get a free demo with one of our phishing experts

See how our phishing simulations can help your company and improve your team's expertise in spotting phishing emails.

Request a demo
Phishing-dashboard-overall performance

How we set up a CyberPilot phishing campaign

click-icon-orange Step 1

First, you will work with one of our IT security experts to choose phishing e-mails from our dialogue.

mail-icon-orange Step 2

After choosing a phishing e-mail, we get the mailing list from you and start sending out the phishing e-mails to your team.

statistics-icon-orange Step 3

With our Security Platform, you will see how many people open, click, and enter data in real-time.

icon-support-orange.png Step 4

After the campaign, our IT security expert will evaluate the results and give you feedback on your team’s performance.

schedule-icon-orange Step 5

Next campaign is scheduled.

An example of a specific phishing campaign and the actual statistics

Our case study has an example of a phishing mail that we sent through our phishing training. See how many fell for the trap!

Access the results via our platform by entering your email in the link below.

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