Watch the video from our course, where Brian figures out the best way to handle a suspicious email that turns out to be a CEO Fraud attack.
You can access the entire course on our e-learning platform by logging in here. If you do not have an account, you can try it for free.
About the course
CEO Fraud is the most costly cyberattack today. It is therefore important that you are aware of the ways that cybercriminals can try to trick you into giving them money and critical data.
This course will take you through why it is important to have your guard up when using your email, and how to react to a possible CEO Fraud attack. We also give you examples of different types of CEO Fraud attacks so that you can spot them in your inbox.

Other material
Create awareness in your organisation with our posters. You can download the posters and hang them on your walls in your organisation.
In this way your employees willl be reminded of what to be aware of when they see the posters.
Go to posters