Watch the video, where we see the devastating consequences of a Ransomware attack that was triggered by an employee inadvertently clicking on a link in a phishing email.
You can access the entire course on our e-learning platform by logging in here. If you do not have an account, you can try it for free.
About the course
Ransomware can have devastating consequences for any organisation, large or small. This course goes over what happens when an organisation is attacked by ransomware, and what everyone in the organisation can do to prevent it. As phishing emails are the most common way to get ransomware into organizational systems, this course will give your employees tips to identify when a phishing email lands in their inbox, and what they can do to verify it. All in all, this course gives context to how damaging some cyberattacks can be and why it is so important for employees to be alert.
Important things to consider:
Always be skeptical of emails with links or attachments
Think critically about who you are receiving the email from, as well as the context and timing
Contact the sender through other channels if you are suspicious of an email

Other material
We have made posters for the course. They contain information about two-factor authentication and highlights from the course. The posters are free to download and you can hang them up in the office. Then your team will have a good reminder of what to be aware of to secure their accounts!
Go to posters