Increase Awareness. Decrease Cyber Threats.
It Really Is That Simple.


Create a security culture and you will see less security breaches.

Train your team to create a strong cyber security culture and GDPR compliance

We believe that continuous training is the key to create an aware team and a good cyber security culture

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Train your employees to recognise phishers in their
own inbox

Phishing simulations are the perfect way to learn how to spot a phishing mail.

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Don’t trust us,
trust our customers

The platform is easy to understand and accessible for all, no matter your skilllevel.

CyberPilot provides us IT security courses in a bright variety.

The employees are much more aware now, and know what to look for.

Kenneth Furnipart

We are experiencing that users now share much more information on how they have uncovered and rejected phishing e-mails, with a reference to the 'set of reminders' that are presented in the CyberPilot courses.

The courses meet 100% of our expectations for the training

Jacob Danish Fashion and Textile

I think I can see a lot of feedback from our users.

They feel more comfortable because it's now a part of their daily lives.

It's not an unfamiliar thing where they fear getting fired for clicking on a link or facing criticism from their boss. It has become commonplace that IT security is a part of it.

Mads DTU Biosustain

Posters can create awareness in your organisation

Download our free posters and hang them on your walls. They will be a reminder of important habits and practices.

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Templates that can help you manage your security efforts

We have several free templates on our platform and you can get them for free! They can help you create a strong cyber security culture.

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Download our free E-book

Turn your team into your strongest defence with 4 simple steps and concrete tips on how to achieve compliance.

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